Mempercepat game dengan Razer Cortex

Game akan lebih lancar 30-70%

Payday 2

Game FPS yang menggunakan strategi

Cara Menyyeting Game agar menjadi lag

Cara cara berikut akan membuat komputer mu menjadi 100% lebih cepat

How To make a pancake on call of duty

Add some flour add some other ingridents(is that how you write it?)

Is this the krusty Krab?

No this is Patrick!!!!

Jumat, 07 Juni 2019


106 Ribu Kendaraan, Puncak Arus Mudik Nagreg Terjadi pada H+2

CNN Indonesia | Jumat, 07/06/2019 14:02 WIB

106 Ribu Kendaraan, Puncak Arus Mudik Nagreg Terjadi pada H+2Ilustrasi arus mudik di Nagreg, Bandung. H+2 menjadi puncak tertinggi jumlah kendaraan melintas. (ANTARA FOTO/Fahrul Jayadiputra)
Bandung, CNN Indonesia -- Dinas Perhubungan (Dishub) Kabupaten Bandungmencatat 106 ribu kendaraan melewati jalur Nagreg sejak hari kedua Lebaran atau pada Kamis (6/6). Jumlah tersebut menjadi puncak arus mudik Lebaran ke arah selatan Jawa Barat via jalur Nagreg.

Humas Dinas Perhubungan Kabupaten Bandung, Ruddy Hariadi mengatakan lonjakan volume kendaraan baik roda dua maupun roda empat sudah mulai terjadi pada hari pertama Lebaran.

"Jadi prediksi pemudik itu di hari H-1, ternyata mereka memilih mudik setelah salat Id ataupun silaturahmi di wilayah lokal dulu. Sehingga dampaknya kendaraan padat ke arah timur pada hari pertama dan kedua Lebaran," kata Ruddy saat dihubungi, Jumat (7/6).

Pihaknya mencatat, pada hari pertama sebanyak 99 ribu kendaraan melintasi jalur Nagreg menuju Garut dan Tasikmalaya. Sedangkan hari kedua Lebaran menjadi puncak arus mudik dengan jumlah kendaraan mencapai hampir 106 ribu.

"Walaupun belum melebihi puncak arus mudik 2018 yang mencapai 142 ribu kendaraan di H-2 Lebaran, jika dilihat dari segi kepadatan dan panjang kemacetan, puncak arus mudik di jalur Nagreg adalah di hari kedua Lebaran," katanya.

Ruddy menyebut, panjang kemacetan khususnya wilayah Kabupaten Bandung mencapai 10 kilometer. Panjang kemacetan tersebut belum termasuk di wilayah yang meliputi Kabupaten Garut seperti Limbangan Kadungora.

"Biasanya di hari kedua Lebaran memang padat bagi yang mengangkut wisata ke Pangandaran ataupun ke Cipanas. Tapi jika melihat dan hasil wawancara dengan beberapa para pemudik ternyata mereka memilih mudik di hari pertama dan kedua Lebaran," ujarnya.

Sementara itu, lanjut Ruddy, untuk arus balik terpantau belum adanya lonjakan kendaraan yang signifikan. Rata-rata volume kendaraan dari H-7 hingga H-1 Lebaran sekitar 40 ribu kendaraan.

"Arus balik sudah mulai terasa di hari kedua Lebaran, tercatat ada 65 ribu kendaraan," kata Ruddy.

Pihaknya memprediksi puncak arus balik di jalur Nagreg menuju Bandung dan sekitarnya akan terjadi mulai akhir pekan ini.

"Kami memprediksi Sabtu-Mingu mulai puncak arus balik. Kafena pada Senin kemungkinan sudah ada yang masuk kerja," ujarnya.

Rabu, 30 Mei 2018

Outline #1 censorship in music

A.Introduction :Introduction to Argumentative Writing – Censorship in modern music
thesis statement: although some people think that censorship in music is needed, although i believ that censorship in music is not needed if it's still in context

B.Body :
Opposing argument :
Opposing argument saying that all censorshop ismus be neede whatever the context is whic means that all political, religous, and moral that contradicts mus be censored.

Rebuttal Argument :
but some people dent that clarification, most of the moderns music has alot of bad word in it if it;s still in the context

Opposing argument
 The opposing argument said it wiill hurt someone feeling if it was in or out of context no matter what the situatation is

Rebuttal argument
also the anti-censorship people said if you listen music just to enjoy it and don't take thing seriously if any of the words somehow offends you, just don't listen to it

Own point of view
-although i believe that censorship in music is not needed if it's still in the context
-but i think censorship is needed if the music had some racial, and out of context religous hate on them

 As the conclusion i think music has some postive and negative values, music is one of many reasons as we humans to enjoy arts.

Argumentative essay #1 Censorship in music

   Censorship in music   

     Censorship of music refers to practice of editing of musical work for reasons, stemming from a wide variety of motivation including moral, political, or religious reasons, censorship can range from the complete government enforced legal prohibition of a musical work, t private voulantary removal of context when a musical works appears in a certain context, although i believe that censorship in music is not needed if it's still in the context

      Opposing argument saying that all censorshop ismus be neede whatever the context is whic means that all political, religous, and moral that contradicts mus be censored. but some people dent that clarification, most of the moderns music has alot of bad word in it if it;s still in the context people says it does not need to be censored because it won't hurt anyone

     The opposing argument said it wiill hurt someone feeling if it was in or out of context no matter what the situatation is, explained by them, also the anti-censorship people said if you listen music just to enjoy it and don't take thing seriously if any of the words somehow offends you, just don't listen to it explained by them.

     Generally censorship in music sometimes is very overexagarrated which someone will find it offensive no matter what is it, music are listen whe we have a hard day or stressful day  so we can calm ourselves but i think censorship is needed if the music had some racial, and religous hate on them

     As the conclusion i think music has some postive and negative values, music is one of many reasons as we humans to enjoy arts.

Argumentative writing worksheet




Welcome: Introduction to Argumentative Writing – Censorship in modern music
Description: An argumentative writing or essay is a genre of writing that requires the student to investigate a topic, collect, generate, and evaluate evidence, to develop points or an argument concerning the issues about music censorship
Keywords : Argumentative essay, argumentative writing, music, censorhsip, pros, and cons
Author : M.Faisal aripin


As a writer, you need to know how to write a good argumentative essay. You may collect the datas from various sources to support your essay. You are taking the journey to explore the basic structure, techniques and steps to write a good argumentative essay and how you can persuade and present well-reasoned arguments on a debatable issue-Censorship in music
Before you start your writing process, let’s watch the video related to censorship in music:

To be a good writer you need to imagine that you are a researcher and your task is to investigate, gather and develop ideas or information on either one of these below:
1.        the structure of an argumentative essay
2.        the steps in writing a good argumentative essay and
3.        the techniques or approaches in writing a good argumentative essay
Present your report in 10-15 minutes!

Your next journey is to do research on the issue of Censorship in music Develop and write at least 3 argumentative points and 3 counter-points on this issue ! Remember, you have to take a firm stance on this issue. Be daring to tell or relate to others how things should be! Provide reasons to support all your claims and refute the opposing side of each argument points. Don't forget to cite experts who agree with you!
1. Steps in writing Argumentative Essay
2. Argumentative Writing format
3. The power of Argumentative Writing
4. Developing an argument
5.    Video 2 (How to Write a Good Argumentative Essay: Logical Structure
6. Video 3  (Structure of an argumentative essay)


1.    Work individually. Remember, before you embark in the quest to write an argumentative essay, make sure you have read all the articles and watch videos on the steps, format, structure, developing arguments, writing the introduction, writing the first argument and conclusion of an argumentative essay. 
2.    You take the role as a researcher to explore, investigate and write a report on each topic: the structure of an argumentative essay, the steps in writing a good argumentative essay and the technique or approach to write a good argumentative essay. Then, combine your work on these topics and present your findings to the class. Use large charts or posters to present! 
3.    Next, read the articles given and watch the videos on the issue of video games and why should it be banned for the minors.
4.    List down all the pros and cons using the T-chart organizer. Then, decide what stance to take, whether playing video games is bad or the opposite and why violent video games should be banned for the minors or vice-versa.   
5.    Write your argumentative essay in 350 words using a good thesis statement and the minimal five-part structure you have already learnt.
6.    Post and share your work in the classroom blog created by your teacher for assessment and comments.  


Video : (Music Censorship: RELEVANT OR RIDICULOUS?)

Congratulations and Well Done!
You have accomplished your tasks!
In your journey of exploration, you have learnt the important skills to write a good argumentative essay! As a researcher, you have gathered some information on the structure, steps and techniques to write a good argumentative essay. Are there any other important tips on how to write a good argumentative essay? What are some of the tips or guidance given by experts or tutors?   
You have also taken the challenge to work collaboratively and prepare charts or posters to present your group report!  You have also successfully accomplished the task in writing the argumentative essay on the issue of the impact of the internet on Censorship in music

Outline#2 Video games good or bad


Playing video games good or bad?

Introduction : are video games good or bad?
Thesis: Video games can sometime be good and sometimes it can also be bad, and there is also a benefit of playing video games.

Opposing argument
-most people think that video games is bad because it has violence in it and it teaches kid to become violent to the society

Rebuttal argument
- meanwhile if the kid plays like a good video games it can actually help the kid become smarter and creative.

Opposing argument
- Video games also have ratings on them, video games have these ratings to restrict and underage children to play them

Rebuttal argument
-sometime these ratings are ignored by the parents because they think is not important

Opposing argument
-people think that game make you an antisocial and aactually make you depressed.

Rebuttal argument
- video games itself that video games help you relax and make you happy and also you will learn some english at the game that you are playing.

So the video games can be good and or bad.